This website is dedicated in memory of Ty Thrasher.
Ty was a true friend, and this is an understatement of epic proportions.
Ty brightened everyone around him. His charm, humor, mannerisms, cheer, and his smile and laugh, were wonderfully contagious, and he was filled to overflowing with genuine love, loyalty, humor, and he would be sure to let you know that he was a forever Green Bay Packers fan. He was a kind soul with patience and calmness that most people don’t have. His positive presence and energy could be felt when he walked into the room. Ty worked for our long-time friends at PRR Computers. Ty was a team player there, and everywhere, to the max. He was a loyal, caring, present, and committed husband and father. Ty is a wonderful example of a human being.
Ty would voice his beliefs and do so strongly, politely, and with integrity. Fear never controlled him, nor prevented him from clearly speaking out against injustices. Ty was a man of honor. He is incredibly and sorely missed by so many.
In tribute to Ty, we kindly and proudly ask that you:
- Take a bit of time each day to self-care. Your happiness is important, too.
- Keep yourself loyal to those who deserve it.
- Be genuine, sincere, and patient when dealing with people.
- Speak your mind freely, and know that those who deeply love you will accept you and any differences in beliefs.
- Be courageous and stand against any manipulation or evil that you see.
- Please commit to making the world a better place.
Thank you, Ty, for being you, and for being so astoundingly wonderful.
Love, All your friends at