NFT/Crypto Currency Coaching

Getting coached by a Pro can sometimes make all the difference between massive success, versus confusion and sometimes losing your shirt. Having an easy-to-use, easy-to-understand trading platform, and a well-trained and informed coach, is priceless.

Or, you may be one of those rare, super quick learners, and you may prefer to do it yourself by having a heavily detailed in-depth information guide.

Let us know if you are most interested in a do-it-yourself training/manual package with a bonus of 2 hours of coaching – or, if you prefer a 1 on 1 personal monthly coaching program. Depending on the # of hours with phone appointments and full email support, coaching can range from $800 to $5,000 a month.

Feel free to also let us know if you want stock market training as well.

All coaching advice of any and all sort, and all platform advice, and all business advice, and group meeting advice, of any sort, is not to be deemed as, nor relied upon as, nor to be construed as Financial Advice, Legal Advice, Accounting Advice, Insurance Advice, Stock Market Advice, or other.

    Are you looking for an in-depth DIY kit with 2 hours of Coaching?

    Are you looking to have your own personal coach working close with you, to fully educate, inform and solve and handle all relating questions and issues?

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